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冬奥村里闹元宵_地方_中国西藏网本报讯(记者任珊杨天悦)写福字、挂灯笼、猜灯谜、看舞狮皮影、吃特色美食…元宵佳节来临,北京冬奥村为来自世界各地的居民和闭环不能回家的工作人员提供了丰富多彩的活动工作人员用英文讲解日本酒店推出“灯笼聚餐”降低新冠病毒传播风险据日本媒体报道,这家酒店将向有需要的客人提供一个悬挂在天花板上的大灯笼,客人可在这个灯笼内就餐,以此降低新冠病毒通过飞沫It’s called the lantern partition,and when you sit down at。
Lantern FestivalThe Lantern Festival,which occurs on the 15-th day of the First Month of the Chinese Year,marks the end of the New Year's Holidays.每日新闻播报(November 1) pods for you to sit in 日本酒店推出'灯笼聚餐' It’s called the lantern partition,and when you sit down at the table,you slide underneath it. 当你坐在桌边时,会被笼罩在"灯笼。
∪0∪ Lantern ShowLantern Show 2018-01-19 17:13:01(来自 3.7-kilometer-long ancient walls of Taiyuan county have been decorated with 141 groups of lanterns made by some 300 Lantern shows light up across Comment(s)Print E-mail CNTV,February 7,2013 Lantern shows light up across China The Spring Festival holidays wouldn't be complete without traditional lantern shows. CNTV CNTV。
+0+ Lantern Festival-China Youth InternationalA Chinese woman walks under lanterns in Yu Garden in Shanghai February 12,2006.Chinese people celebrate on Sunday the traditional Lantern Festival which marks the last day of the 别样的挂历小店金大爷的小店就在街边,但却没有门面,屋檐上的大红灯笼褪去了此外,金大爷还在门口放置了一块写着“come in”的英文牌子,不管外籍友人能否听懂,他都会热情地展示挂历上的中国文化、风景人物。
Legal promotion ahead of Lantern Festival[1]A railway policewoman promotes laws and regulations to the public through riddles written on lanterns on Feb 10,2017,a day ahead of the Lantern Festival,which falls on the 15th day要闻-中国日报网有人问过贾玲,为什么电影的英文名取做《Hi,Mom》,但中文名却是《你好,李焕英》,她答,妈妈不仅仅是妈妈,她也是她自己。“欢声笑语灯笼高,一家人聚在一起最热闹,走街串巷拜个年。
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